Rain resides in a small city-state known as Singapore and has started writing as a hobby since 2000, starting out with writing English fan-fiction of a local comic The Celestial Zone. This hobby became her solace and her source of strength for the past 10 years, be it while facing obstacles at school or upon graduation, at work.

Castelleia was modified from the word “Castellum”, which is Latin for ‘Castle’. Coined from the English idiom, “building castles in the air”, Castelleia was previously known as Rain’s Castles. In the demands of the fast-paced society, Castelleia is a place for her, and everyone else who visits this site, to allow imaginations to roam free and to build castles in the air.

Thank you for visiting, and may you enjoy your stay in this little Castle built on Rain clouds.

雨记 本人其实很讨厌雨天。‘雨记’ 这个笔名的的含义原自于2002年的某一天,她发现,其实雨中记载了她许多珍贵的回忆。所以,‘雨记’ 的原意就是, ‘在中,有值得得的回忆 ’。 雨记在2003年第一次开写中文故事,首篇长篇故事就是台湾偶像剧,《西街少年》的 fanfiction。事隔5年,也写了5年的中文 fanfiction,雨记在2008年开创首个自创长篇故事《这是爱吗?》

Castelleia 本名为 “雨记城堡”。Castelleia 这个字来自于拉丁词 ‘Castellum’,也就是城堡的意思。在这里就是记载着雨记所有幻想的城堡,也是放任想象力发挥的地方。
